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Monday, July 30, 2007

Second Life and Sex/Gender

Purpose: To have students explore reactions to differently gendered avatars
Tools: Computer, Internet Access, Second Life (available as a free download)
Time: 2-4 hours online plus time for journaling

Phase I
The primary goal of this assignment is to allow students to explore Second Life with avatars configured to represent various genders. The student will need to obtain a Second Life account (available for free) and then create his or her first avatar. How that avatar is sexed/gendered is completely up to the student, but care should be taken to craft an avatar that is clearly male or female. Usually body shape is enough to adequately code male or female. Once an avatar is ready, the student should feel free to explore Second Life and interact with its many denizens. After this exploration is complete, the student should record his or her experiences in a journal to be submitted to the instructor.

Phase II
After the initial reactions are recorded, the student should alter the appearance of the avatar to denote the opposite sex/gender. Once completed, the student can once again explore Second Life and look for reactions. It is best to visit a new area of Second Life so that the chance of meeting a prior acquaintance is reduced since the avatar’s name will not change. Again, the student should record his or her findings in a journal.

Phase III
The last phase will repeat Phase II, but a gender non-specific avatar needs to be crafted. Mixing visual codes helps (play with body shape, hair length, etc.). Findings should be recorded in the student’s journal.

Additional Activities
Students should write at least one more journal entry that discusses the different types of reactions found including how the student felt posing in the avatar’s many forms. For a longer assignment, the student can write a comparison and contrast paper that expands on his/her experiences and uses sources to help frame the essay.

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